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Random Lights Turning On/Off? Troubleshooting Integration Settings
This article will help provide direction for troubleshooting settings within third-party apps that may be causing lights to randomly turn on or off as part of a routine, schedule, or automation within that integrator's app.
Blink codes for System-based Maestro devices
This article will cover common blink codes and their meanings for system-based Maestro dimmers, switches, and keypads.
Blink Codes for System Sunnata Devices
Sunnata CCX dimmer, switch, keypad, and hybrid keypad blink codes, their meaning, and troubleshooting steps to resolve the issue.
Why are my Lights turning On & Off unexpectedly? How to check Automations within Apple HomeKit that may be causing unwanted behavior of lights turning on/off within the Lutron System
This article will cover checking Automations within Apple HomeKit that can be set within the Home App that can cause unwanted or random turning on or off of lights within the Lutron system.
Why are my Lights turning On & Off unexpectedly? How to check Automations in the Alexa App that may be causing unwanted behavior of lights within the Lutron System
This article will cover checking Automations such as Hunches, Guard, and Routines that can be set within the Alexa App that can cause unwanted or random turning on or off of lights within the Lutron system.
Why are my lights turning On & Off unexpectedly? How to Check Routines within the Google Home App that may have been programmed in error and now may be causing random lights to turn on or off in the Lutron System
This article will cover checking Routines set within the Google Home App that may cause unwanted or random turning on or off of lights within the Lutron system.
Ensuring Reliable Communication for Software, Processors, and Networks
How to isolate network and PC-related issues that may slow your project’s timeline. This article is designed to help increase project reliability and network connectivity, ensuring a seamless installation.
Clear Connect Type A Activation Guide
Step-by-step instructions to activate RadioRA 3 Clear Connect Type-A (CCA) devices via the Lutron Designer software.
CCX Processors and PoE Injector Blink Codes
This article covers common blink codes seen on CCX Processors and PoE Injectors
Lumaris Tape Light Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting steps for common problems with a Lumaris Tunable White Tape Light installation.