Explore Knowledge Articles
Random Lights Turning On/Off? Troubleshooting Integration Settings
Having trouble with random lights turning on or off within your Lutron System? Please click on the appropriate Integration link below for articles containing step by step instructions to help troubleshoot these settings in the related integrators app.
Apple HomeKit
Amazon Alexa
Google Home
If you are viewing these articles from your smart phone and are still having trouble identifying the source of this behavior, Tap on "Lutron" in the top left corner of the article you are in. This will return you to the Lutron App for which you can send a support log for further support if needed. In this event, please follow the steps below to Send Support Logs.
Note: If you are viewing this article from a PC you can follow the steps to create and send a Support Log by clicking HERE and following the steps in the article to do so using the Lutron App.
Step 1

Step 2
When you return to the Lutron app from the troubleshooting article, select "Yes, still having problem".

Step 3
Enter the required fields in the Customer Assistance screen and select Send the Support request email which will appear when all the requested data is entered. This will auto generate an email to systemsupport@lutron.com for which you can send. The email will then be reviewed to help resolve.

Apple HomeKit
Amazon Alexa
Google Home
If you are viewing these articles from your smart phone and are still having trouble identifying the source of this behavior, Tap on "Lutron" in the top left corner of the article you are in. This will return you to the Lutron App for which you can send a support log for further support if needed. In this event, please follow the steps below to Send Support Logs.
Note: If you are viewing this article from a PC you can follow the steps to create and send a Support Log by clicking HERE and following the steps in the article to do so using the Lutron App.
Step 1
Step 2
When you return to the Lutron app from the troubleshooting article, select "Yes, still having problem".
Step 3
Enter the required fields in the Customer Assistance screen and select Send the Support request email which will appear when all the requested data is entered. This will auto generate an email to systemsupport@lutron.com for which you can send. The email will then be reviewed to help resolve.
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