Explore Knowledge Articles
Selling your house with your Caseta Wireless System
This article details the instructions for transferring ownership and control of your Lutron Caseta Wireless System when you sell your home
Smart Hub (formerly known as Smart Bridge) Set-up & Troubleshooting
This article will provide step by step setup instructions for setting up and troubleshooting your Lutron Smart Hub to operate your Caseta System via the Lutron App
Reestablish connection to your Caséta /RA2 Select System
This article details the common reasons why a user cannot connect to a Caséta system and the troubleshooting steps to resolve the issue.
How to update Caséta Hub (formerly known as Bridge) or RA2 Select Firmware
This article covers the process to update the firmware for a Caséta Hub or RA2 Select Main Repeater.
Use the same email with a replacement Caséta Smart Hub (formerly Smart Bridge)
This article highlights the steps to assign the existing Lutron App account to a Smart Hub replacement unit and use the same email address while removing the old hub from the account.
Forgotten Password Reset and Change Password Procedure using the Lutron App for Caseta & RA2 Select Systems
This article will help provide instructions on how to reset your password if forgotten or to change your password for Caseta and RA2 Select users in the Lutron App.