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In order to check to see if a Google routine is sending a command to your Lutron system for the lights to turn on or off, open the Google Home app and select Routines.

Step 2
Select a routine

Step 3
Under the "Actions" section for that routine, it will show you all the commands that the routine sends. You would be checking "Adjust, lights, plugs and more".

Step 4
Here you can change or remove the actions associated to the Routine selected.
Why are my lights turning On & Off unexpectedly? How to Check Routines within the Google Home App that may have been programmed in error and now may be causing random lights to turn on or off in the Lutron System
Section (1): Google "Routine" feature.SECTION (1): Google "Routine" feature.
Step 1In order to check to see if a Google routine is sending a command to your Lutron system for the lights to turn on or off, open the Google Home app and select Routines.
Step 2
Select a routine
Step 3
Under the "Actions" section for that routine, it will show you all the commands that the routine sends. You would be checking "Adjust, lights, plugs and more".
Step 4
Here you can change or remove the actions associated to the Routine selected.
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