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RadioRA 3 System Design & Setup RadioRA 3 Training Resources

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RadioRA 3 Training Resources


This article provides quick links to refresher lessons for Lutron PROs, dealers, and reps who have completed the RadioRA 3 Qualification Training.

Note: Access to the Lutron Designer software requires completion of the RA3 Qualification Training (LP 831) and Final Exam (EX 761). 




Before You Begin

Login to your myLutron account, then select Resources and LCI Online (located under Lutron Websites in the top right-hand corner or under Learning Hub).





RadioRA 3 Training Modules

Click a link below to view a specific course (e.g. OVW 705 - RA3 Software Programming) or individual lesson (e.g. Lumaris Smart Lighting). 

Note: Links open in a new browser window.


OVW 704 - RA3 System Design


OVW 705 - RA3 Software Programming


OVW 706 - RA3 Commissioning and Servicing