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RadioRA 2 Device Compatibility in RadioRA 3
This article details what devices are compatible with RadioRA 3 systems when converting from a RadioRA 2 system, and solutions for incompatible devices.
Compatible Devices from RadioRA 2 to RadioRA 3
Wireless Repeaters and Receiver
Dimmers, Switches, and Keypads
Remotes and Sensors
Plug-in Dimmers and Switches
RF Modules, Thermostats, and Shades
Wallbox Power Modules
For additional RadioRA 3 compatible components, click here.
Incompatible Devices in RadioRA 3
The recommended device alternative is displayed to the right of each incompatible device below:
Wireless Repeaters
In-Wall Dimmers and Switches
In-Wall Keypads
Grafik Eye QS
Related Articles
For more information on Converting a RadioRA 2 system to RadioRA 3, see our Converting RA2 System to a RA3 System article
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