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RadioRA 3 Backwards Compatibility Converting RA2 System to a...

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Converting RA2 System to a RA3 System


This article details how to convert a RadioRA 2 system to a RadioRA 3 system, including how to extract the project file, convert it, and what to do if the extraction fails.



Before We Begin

To ensure a successful conversion, keep the following things in mind:

  • Use the latest version of the Lutron Designer Software. You can find the latest version of Designer from your MyLutron's Resource page
  • Extract the project file from the RadioRA 2 system's Main Repeater. For more information on extraction, please see our RadioRA 2 Software Article.
  • Ensure the RadioRA 2 project file has been updated to 12.10




Converting a RadioRA 2 project to RadioRA 3

Do not factory reset the RadioRA 2 Main Repeater(s) while on-site. This results in a Factory Default of all other wireless devices in the RadioRA 2 system. If this occurs, each device will need to be reactivated to the RadioRA 3 system. 


  1. Open the Lutron Designer version 23.2 or higher and select RadioRA 3.


In version 23.5+, use the Places Menu and select Browse Local.



  1.  Select Save and Continue to save information for future reference when the warning appears.

  Warning Screen showing Devices and Features not supported during current Conversion 

  1. Select Yes to enable cloud remote services at the Project File Conversion prompt.

Important: Selecting No in cloud services disables remote features and prevents the project from being recoverable if the physical file is lost.


      1. Select Apply Settings and Convert the Database.

      Upgrade options


      1. Save the converted project.


      You have successfully converted a RadioRA 2 project to RadioRA 3.




      Affected Programming

      Programming items converted from the RadioRA 2 database:

      • Area Tree
      • Device and zone names
      • Single action and toggle programming
      • Shared scenes
      • Normal timeclock events
      • Sensor programming
      Programming items not directly handled during conversion:
      RadioRA 2RadioRA 3
      RadioRA 2 Main Repeater(s) – support programming (each Main Repeater supports 100 Phantom Buttons – can be programmed using any programming model)RadioRA 3 – Phantom Keypads

      Converting a RadioRA 2 project to RadioRA 3 – phantom buttons on the main repeater(s) will be converted to phantom keypads

      Can be added from the device toolbox, is programmable, and can be virtually activated using LEAP integration
      Selected Button Type: Path of LightPath of light buttons are converted to:
      LED Logic – Room Logic
      Button Type – Toggle
      Timeclock Events
      Selected Button Type: Timeclock Modes

      Only normal mode timeclock events will be converted.

      All other timeclock events (vacation mode, alternative mode, etc.) must be manually added to a new timeclock event and programmed to be enabled or disabled by a keypad button. Timeclock events assigned to buttons in RadioRA 2 do not convert.


      Timeclock Modes can be recreated as new "Timeclocks". Timeclock Mode Programming can be recreated as "Timeclock Events" under the new Timeclocks.

      Vacation mode programming (enable/disable) is found under the program tab – “Vacation Mode”

      Security Mode (VCRX)  Device and Zone lockout is not currently supported  
      Green button  Not currently supported