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Maestro Product Installation Maestro Fan/Light MACL-LFQ Wiring &...

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Maestro Fan/Light MACL-LFQ Wiring & Installation


This article provides resources on how to properly install a Lutron Maestro Fan/Light control


Knowledge Article Contents:

Before You Begin

1: MACL-LFQ Installation

2: Frequently Asked Questions

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Before You Begin

Before installing your Maestro fan/light control, have the following items available: 

MACL-LFQ with wall plate

Flathead screwdriver 

Flathead screwdriver drawing

Phillips-head screwdriver   

Phillips-head screwdriver drawing


Pliers drawing

MACL-LFQ Fan/Light Control

Section 1: MACL-LFQ Installation

The MACL/LFQ can only be installed in a single-pole application::

Single-pole application drawing  Single-pole install (for lights/fans controlled from one switch)


Section 2: Frequently Asked Installation Questions:


Do I need separate wires for my fan and light?

Yes, this control requires a separate wire for both the light and the fan from the wiring in the home. 


Can this device be used on lights that are separate from the fan?

Yes, this product can be used on lights that are separate from the fan as long as they fall within the specifications for the dimmer. There must be a lighting load wired to the unit for the fan portion of the switch to work.


Does this require a neutral?

No, this control does not require a neutral.


Will this work with any type of fan?

This control is rated to be used only with a paddle type ceiling fan up to 1.5 amps. This control should not be used with DC motor fans, fans with remote controls, bathroom, or kitchen exhaust-type fans.

Why are my lights and the fan not working properly? I'm sure I have it wired according to the installation guide.

Sometimes an incompatible or non-dimmable LED can cause not only the dimming portion of the unit to not respond but also can affect the fan portion to not operate as well. Please check that the LED is rated as dimmable or try an incandescent bulb as a test. Compatible LED bulbs can be found on Lutron's Compatibility Tool.


Does a Maestro dual dimmer and fan speed control exist for 3-way or multilocation applications?

No, Lutron does not currently offer a multilocation dual fan/light control.

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Not looking for a dual fan/light control? Review the Maestro Dual LED+ Dimmer product selection article to find the right dual control for your needs.