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Lutron Connect Portal Overview

Lutron Connect Portal​ 

​Lutron Connect is a platform of connected systems and tools that empower our customers by streamlining, synchronizing, and simplifying work.


  1. What is the Connect Portal?
  2. How do I start using the Connect Portal?
  3. How to Change Dark/Light Mode?
  4. How to Enable Dashboard and Alerts?
  5. How to Add/Remove PWA
  6. Troubleshooting


What is the Connect Portal?

The initial screen when launching the Connect Portal

​The Connect Portal is a web application that will be a single point of entry for the Connect family of applications. Below will be links to the overview of each of these features in their own articles.

  1. Places
    • Note: The Connect Portal's version of places will allow you to see Places you have access to but cannot modify the programming of the Place. This will need to be done via Lutron Designer.
  2. Athena Dashboard
  3. System Monitor Tool
  4. Lutron Connect Portal Alerts

We also recommend checking out our Lutron Connect Frequently Asked Questions.

How do I start using the Lutron Connect Portal​​

  1. ​Visit

  2. Login with your myLutron account.

  3. You will need access to a Place and to be certified in one or multiple of the following:

    • RadioRA 3
    • Homeworks QSX
    • Athena

For more information on how to get access to a Place, please see our Managing and Sharing Cloud Access article.


How to select light / dark / auto mode?

  1. ​​Select your initials at the top right to access the Account Settings menu and click on Preferences

    • The Preferences option in the Account Settings

  2. Now select the theme you would like ​​

How to enable Dashboard​ & Alerts?

  1. ​Select the Place settings cog​wheel.

    • ​​

  2. Select Collect Place's Alert Data. It will ask you to confirm after enabling.

For more information on Alerts and how they work, please see our Lutron Connect Portal Alerts Article

How to add/remove PWA (Progressive Web Apps)?

This will be slightly different depending on the browser.

That being said there will be a dismissible prompt that will guide all users on all browsers and platforms for how to install the app. If dismissed this is how it can be done per browser:

  1. Chrome: Use Progressive Web Apps - Computer - Google Chrome Help

  2. Edge: Use Progressive Web Apps in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Edge Development

  3. Safari Desktop: Use Safari web apps on Mac - Apple Support

  4. Safari Mobile: Bookmark a website in Safari on iPhone


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This could mean there's either maintenance happening, or a potential outage.