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Lutron Connect Portal System Monitor Lutron Connect Portal - Alerts

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Lutron Connect Portal - Alerts


Lutron Connect Portal ​- Alerts

​Please see the Lutron Connect Portal Overview for more information on the Connect Portal.


  1. What is the Alerts Feature?
  2. What can it do?
  3. What are known limitations?
  4. Known Troubleshooting FAQs

​​What is the Alerts Feature?

When enabled, Users with access to the Place will get notified of device issues in their systems; The current notification mechanism is via daily emails on any new issue in the last 24 hours. You must register via alert settings to receive these notifications.

In addition to the emails, user can also see the current and historical alert data in the portal.

A screenshot of an Active Alert in the Alerts feature 

To register for Alerts, you must select Alert Settings at the top right of the page, then enter the email of who you'd like to receive the Alerts:

The Alerts Settings screen for subscribing to the Alerts

​What can it do?

Not all devices are supported just yet for alerting. Following list of devices is supported.​

  • Main Alerts 
    • Processor Disconnected from Internet
    • Device No Longer Available in the System
      • Note: ONLY QS devices.
      • RF sensor device will be reported missing for occ and daylight (not Pico) if processor OR QSM doesn’t hear a heartbeat in a given period of time.

        The timeout periods are different for CCA link on processor and QSM. See below for timeouts

        • RF daylight sensors

          • CCA proc link - 4 hours

          • QSM - 5 hours

        • RF occ sensors

          • CCA proc link - 5 hours

          • QSM- 2.5 hours

    • Sensor Low Battery
      • Note: For sensors on processor CCA link as well as sensors on QSM.
        (QSM alerts are in 24.1)
    • Shade Low Battery
    • Pico Low Battery
      • Note: For sensors on processor CCA link as well as sensors on QSM.
        (QSM alerts are in 24.1)
    • Load controller errors for ESNs, PACX and AWN
      • These include the following:
        • MissingInAction
        • LampFailure
        • BackendFailure
        • InEmergencyMode
        • UnAddressed
        • ShortedComponent
        • AirGapFailure
        • OverCurrentError
        • OverVoltageError
        • OverLoadError
        • UnitWarm
        • UnitHot
        • UnitOverheatedOutputsOff
        • MultipleError
      • These will typically match a blink code occurring on the unit


What are known limitations?

  1. ClearConnect Type-X devices are not supported​
  2. Wired sensors connected on QSM, ESN and older drivers are not supported
  3. Older 2 button RF sensors do not report a heartbeat signal; as a result, we cannot reliably report alerts on such devices.​


Known Troubleshooting FAQs​

  1. Issue:​ I get alerts from sensors repeatedly as device unavailable and then they seem to correct themselves.
    1. ​Troubleshooting steps: Are the sensors connected to QSM (use Designer software to find out)? If yes, is your processor firmware version 24.1 or above? If no, then upgrade your processor firmware. 
      If not on QSM then are these the older 2 button sensors? If yes, then replace the sensors to the newer 3 button ones that have heartbeat signal.
  2. Issue: I just added a device to my set up and to test it I disconnected it but I receive no alert. OR I just set up my system and to test alerts, I disconnected devices but see no alert in the portal.
    The same issue can also appear this way - I deleted a device but I still see the alert for it.
    1. Troubleshooting steps: As of now, it takes anywhere for 6 to 24 hours for new device data to get sent to cloud. So, the alerts feature will start working for the new device(s) after that period. Test after this time period has elapsed.​
    2. Workaround: If you must test it right away, then from the Mobile App edit a scene of the area where the device is in and perform a "remote transfer" to that system. These actions will force start the sync process and then you can perform alert testing without waiting for 6-24 hours.