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Clear Connect Type A Activation Guide

Clear Connect Type A Activation Guide


  1. Before you begin
  2. Designer Software Instructions
  3. Troubleshooting

Initial Activation

For assistance with the initial activation process, including processors and Clear Connect Type A devices, check out our video below.


Before You Begin

  1. Ensure the most recent version of the Designer Software is installed.
    • The Latest version can be located at within the Resources tab.
  2. Ensure all devices are added to your Design Tab.
  3. Remote Activation is not currently fully supported. We recommend being On-Site for these steps.



Designer Software Instructions


  1. Ensure at least one Clear Connect Type-A device has been added in the Design Tab. 

              Plug in Appliance Added to Design Tab

2. Select the Zone Name to rename the Zone and move the Zone to it's proper Zone Location. Complete any programming needed for Keypads, Picos, etc...  

Zone Properties Menu

3. Click the Activation Tab and change the drop down to devices.

Activate Tab

4. Press Start Activation. 

Start Activation Button

5. A pop up will appear asking to Sync and save or to Save only. If you are activating a new device to the system, Select Sync and Save. If you are Reactivating a device, select Save Only

NOTE: Once the Processor enters Activation Mode, all Clear Connect Type-A device indicator lights will begin to flash in one of two ways:

            The devices will flash slowly (3 seconds on, 1 second off) showing they are Not Activated


            The devices will flash quickly (1 second on, 1 second off) showing they are Currently Activated.

6. Once Activation Mode begins, Directions will appear on the left side of the screen for the device. You may select a different device from the list to view it's Directions.

Activation Screen with Directions outlined blue and Devices outlined orange

7. After you follow the Directions, an Activate option will appear in the Action column.

Note: You will see additional information about the switch appear on the left during this step.

8. Click Activate to associate the physical device to the device in the software.

9. Repeat steps 6-8 for additional devices. Once all devices are activated, select the Exit Activation button.

Note: After exiting activation, selecting any other tab will result in the following pop up as a reminder:

10. Select the Transfer Tab and perform a transfer to finalize the activation.




Device Not Being Heard


  • Make sure that your device is within 30ft of the Main Processor or an Auxiliary Repeater. (Auxiliary Repeaters should be within 60ft of the Main Processor)
    • For Dimmers, Switches, Keypads, and Shades, if they are out of range from the Main Processor or Auxiliary Repeater, their Indicator Light may not flash while in Activation Mode
  • For Dimmers, Switches, and Hybrid Keypads, make sure their load is functional and the device is not displaying an Error Blink Code.
  • Factory Default the device. This can be done by using the main Tap-switch or the top button on a keypad.
    • Triple tap the button and hold it until the device begins to flash.
    • As soon as you see the flash, release the button and triple tap rapidly. Do not hold on this step.
    • The device will rapid flash for keypads and switches or scroll up and down on dimmers to signify that it was done correctly.
    • Note: These steps are time-sensitive; if there is not response on the second triple-tap, you will need to repeat the process faster.


Incorrect Device Type Heard


  • Double check that the model number of the physical device and the model number in the software are same.
    • For shades make sure the correct technology and Shade Syle is selected:


Device Fails or Update of Device Failed Error During Transfer


  • Select Retry Failed Devices
  • Make sure that your device is within 30ft of the Main Processor or an Auxiliary Repeater. (Auxiliary Repeaters should be within 60ft of the Main Processor)
  • Test the device using the Lutron App. If they do not respond, make sure the device is not displaying an Error Blink Code.
    • Refer to the respective model's Installation Guides for Error Blink Codes: Installation Guides

For any lingering issues with activated/transferred Devices


  1. Factory Default related device/s
  2. Delete from Design Tab
  3. Force Full Transfer (under Advanced Settings in the Transfer Tab)
  4. Add device in the Design Tab
  5. Reactivate the device
  6. Force Full Transfer to reapply the device to the database.