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Shades Product Selection & Design How to Quote Curved Drapery...

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How to Quote Curved Drapery Tracks


Step-by-step instructions for quoting/ordering curved drapery tracks.



Before You Begin

Overview of the custom curved track order process:

  1. Build the straight track as a placeholder in myProjects (Do Not Order)
  2. Send the Project ID to with a rough sketch/drawing of the desired track
  3. Place the order only after the updated quote and COM# are returned.
  4. Send in the template with the completed checklist.




Standard Curved Tracks Specs/Limitations

Standard Curved tracks have a 90-degree bend with a 20” radius.

Not sure how to measure your radius? Check page 5 of the Curved Drapery Track Template Instructions.



Pinchpleat Standard Curved tracks can be quoted in myProjects as standard within the following parameters:

  • Each leg must be at least 24” long
  • Max length of each leg is 144” and 72”

For example, Drive Leg: 144” Idle Leg 72”



For Standard Curved tracks over the above track lengths please specify as close as possible in the software as curved tracks, then email with the desired leg lengths.


For Ripplefold Standard Curved Tracks please build as a straight track in myProjects then email with your desired leg lengths.



Standard Curved tracks do not require a template. If you have a project with a standard curved track for which you wish to submit a template, please follow the custom curved quoting process.


Dual Standard Curved Tracks need to be quoted as custom on separate lines. This is due to the radius of the “outer” track needing to be larger, which increases the overall track length to more than 3” from the “inner” track length.



Please see the Drapery Track System SPEC (086123) for measuring instructions for Standard Curved tracks.





Custom Curved Tracks Specs/Limitations

All bends must be greater than or equal to 90 degrees with a 20” radius.


Ripplefold Tracks are limited by the auxiliary carriers' ability to traverse either a Bend or a Splice. The max track length we can manufacture without a splice is 216”. Ripplefold curved tracks over 216” must be center draw.


A splice requires a 16” straight section of track.


Bend Types





How to Quote Custom Curved Tracks

  1. Build a straight track in myProjects to the required dimensions/specifications.

Follow the steps below to get the length of the track:

    1. Run a string along the area where the center of the track will be.
    2. Pull the string straight to get the track length and measure.
    3. Enter this measurement into myProjects.

Note: The quoted track length must be within 3” of the measured template length.



  1. Create a quote (to lock the current design) but do not order. The final pricing/notes will be provided once the updated quote is returned.



  1.  Send an email to with the information below. Shading Quotes will work with custom engineering to see if we can accommodate the request as submitted.
    • Project ID
    • Request Custom Curved Drapery Track
    • Indicate Bend Type (see above) – a rough sketch or CAD is preferred.


If approved, Shading Quotes will return the updated quote and provide the following:

    • Curved Drapery Track Template Instructions
    • A COM# to indicate on your template
    • A COM Label to affix to the outside of the template packaging
    • Instructions on what must be included, how best to send the template, and the address.


  1. Dealer must carefully review the updated quote to ensure it reflects what is needed and indicated on the template.


If updates are needed, please detail them in an email to before placing the order.


If no updates are needed, the dealer processes the quote provided by Shading Quotes into an order via myProjects.



  1. Once the order has been placed, the dealer can send the template to Lutron for review.
  • Templates must be sent to Lutron via UPS and/or FedEx.
  • The checklist on the first page of the Curved Drapery Track Template Instructions must be completed and submitted with the template.
  • The template must be drawn as indicated in the instruction guide, and all required information shown in the guide must be included on the template.


Important: Any missing information or discrepancies between the template and the quote will result in delays in the manufacturing process. 



Once the templates have been received by Lutron, we will link the Template to the associated order number through the affiliated COM#. If the templates are sent without a COM# and/or before the order is placed, a new template may be required.


Important: If the template does not meet the criteria of the template construction guidelines, the template will be returned and a new template will be required. 




Production will review the template(s) to make sure we can accommodate the required bend(s) and that all other specifications match the order as quoted in the system. Once the template is approved, the 30-business-day lead time begins, and production will ship accordingly.