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HomeWorks Troubleshooting Troubleshooting LQSE Din-Rail Modules

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Troubleshooting LQSE Din-Rail Modules

Troubleshooting LQSE Modules

This article's goal is to arm you with the information you need to diagnose most issues regarding your LQSE Din-rail Modules ranging from wiring issues to software/firmware issues. 

Article Contents

  1. Wiring Verification
  2. Diagnostics Tab
  3. Blink Codes
  4. Device not activating


Wiring Verification

Before activating to the system, you can verify that the modules are functioning and able to control the loads directly from the modules themselves. This will confirm that the loads are wired and/or functioning correctly.

While each model varies on how this can be done, they will roughly follow the same steps:

  1. Tap a zone/loop button
  2. Use the up or down arrow to turn the load on/off or dim the load

For detailed instructions, please see the install guide for the specific module installed, at the Verify Lights section. See below for an example from the LQSE-4A5 and LQSE-2HDC installation guide:

The Verify Lights Section from the LQSE-4A5 module 


Diagnostics Tab

Troubleshooting an LQSE Din-rail Module has never been easier when using the Designer Software version 24+.

While the modules will still have a variety of blink codes that display on them when an issue occurs, Designer now has a way of seeing what the blink code is and translating it for you without needing to walk over to the modules (in most cases). The Diagnostic Tab's 'Verify Devices' screen will now display if there is an error code currently reporting from a Din-rail module within its status section. 


Blink Codes

If a blink code is present, but is not being reported by the Diagnostics Tab, we have an application note that will overview each blink code, it's causes, and solutions. 

Please see the app note linked here: Adaptive Power Module Troubleshooting Guide App Note (048803) (


Device Not Activating

Will your new Din-rail module not activate to your Homeworks system? We'd recommend following these steps to identify the issue, and resolve it.

  1. Verify the QS wiring
    • A common issue is having the 3 and 4 terminal (Mux and Muxbar cable) flipped on a single module or device on the link.
  2. Ensure there are not blink codes present on the device
  3. Factory default the unit
    • This can be done using the Triple-Tap hold, Triple-tap method on the Prog button.
  4. If these do not work, we recommend using the Diagnostics tab's System Activity Viewer tool to verify if there is any Link Noise present.