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Creating a Template Project for RA3 and QSX
Creating a template is an efficient way to get new projects up and running with pre-saved devices and programming information. Templates may be created from a new project or an existing project with a few extra steps.
This article provides step-by-step instructions for creating a reusable template in the Lutron Designer software.
Important: Failure to properly follow the steps in this article may result in multiple projects sharing one Place.
Before You Begin
- Creating a Template from a Project creates a new Place for it to use. This ensures updates to one project made from a template will not affect another project from the same template
- Do not Export to File multiple copies of a project and work on them as separate projects. Exporting multiple copies of the same project results in the following:
- All projects will share the same Place and updates to one will affect the others.
- File recovery may become problematic.
- All devices must be reactivated to separate them from each other.
Creating a New Template
1. Create or open a Place/Project for template use. If this is a new project, we recommend including "Base" or "Template" in the project name for ease of search later.
For example, if these systems are for apartments at 123 Apartment Ave, we'd recommend naming it "123 Apartment Ave Template"
2. Set up custom devices in the Design Toolbox. Create common scenes, preferred colors, common rooms/areas, etc.
3. Save your project to the Cloud by selecting File > Save. This is your "Base" file for future templates.
4. Select Tools > Project Information > Create a new project from template to duplicate the project.
Note: Only the Design, Link Assignment, Programming, and Device/Zone Names will be copied over. Activation Information will not be copied over to the new Place.
5. Enter a new Project Name in the confirmation window. This will also act as the new Place Name in the Places menu.
Note: The new Project automatically saves to the Cloud.
6. Activate devices to the new project.
To create additional projects based on this template, open the "base" template Place and repeat Step 4.